Digitisation of waste management

Online fill monitoring

Smart access management
to waste bins

Cost reduction
of the collection system

Automatic control
collection activities

Optimisation of waste collection routes

Spatial tracking
Using AI

Waste Digital

We are an innovative Czech technology startup whose goal is to digitize and streamline waste management. We offer both hardware and software solutions in our portfolio. Our products are designed and manufactured with a focus on innovation and sustainability. We are based in Holešovice, Prague.

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Waste Digital Platform

Waste Digital Platform

Waste digital platform (WDP) is a web-based application for cities, municipalities and waste collection companies that aggregates all data and processes from your waste management into one place. Our system provides a clear overview and in-depth analysis of the collection system to generate reports on production, waste collection and collection infrastructure efficiency. The data is used to identify gaps in the collection system and subsequent optimization.

Container fill monitoring is part of the Waste Digital Platform

Fill monitoring

Fill monitoring is a comprehensive solution for waste collection. A sensor located in the waste container measures the container fill and other operational variables at regular set intervals. It then sends this information to a server where it is further processed. The data can be accessed by municipalities, waste collection companies or private entities from anywhere, thanks to a web application. The web application allows you to see a map overview of all the waste bins equipped with Bee sensors, along with their filling. Based on this data, optimal strategies for waste export are evaluated.
Container records are part of the Waste Digital Platform
Container records (QR, RFID)
Our solution enables efficient recording and automatic detection of waste container discharges. With the use of QR codes and RFID chips, you get an overview and passporting of owned and issued containers. Stickers with QR codes are used to identify the bins and easy registration via a web application. RFID chips allow contactless identification of containers, and reading devices on collection trucks automatically detect dumps. The software provides simple bin management, billing documents and real-time tracking of vehicle locations.
Smart locks are part of the Waste Digital Platform
Smart locks
Smart Locks for Waste Containers: open the door to modern waste management with smart locks! Innovative solutions for cities, municipalities and local governments. Smart locks for waste containers allow efficient management of container access.
The ability to configure and manage the devices (locks) directly from the web application.
Route planning and optimization is part of the Waste Digital Platform
Smart planning and route optimisation
Waste Digital provides algorithms for dynamic optimization of collections, route planning and evaluation of statistics. It is a modern approach for efficient waste management. Maximize performance and reduce costs. Our advanced algorithms bring a wide range of benefits to waste collection companies, municipalities and cities.
Navigation applications

Use our navigation app, specially designed for delivery drivers. Eliminate the complications associated with unfamiliar terrain, entering specific zones and the current traffic situation. This technology makes route operation easier even for less experienced collection vehicle drivers.

How does it work?

Sensors for measuring occupancy

A sensor in the waste container regularly measures the level of filling and other operating parameters. It then transmits this information to a server where it is further analysed and processed.

Cloud system
Cloud based solutions

The internal cloud processes and stores sensor data and performs computational operations for detailed statistics and information. Your data is safe with us and can be accessed from anywhere.

Web application

Our web application is fully accessible from any device and provides a clear display of data in the form of tables and graphs. It also offers detailed statistics, a map of container filling, information on spills and allows you to manage access to containers.

AI algorithm for route planning

Based on the measured data, our algorithm evaluates statistics, performs dynamic route planning and optimizes the frequency of collection. Collection companies can then use our navigation application for efficient collections.

Sensor family Bee

Read more about our products

Our services

We deliver services either as part of a comprehensive solution or individually.

Waste digital platform

Waste digital platform

The WDP is modular and can be connected to data sources from other systems or complemented with other Waste Digital products. The platform runs in a web-based interface. So you can work from anywhere from your computer or phone.

RFID, QR Container records

RFID, QR Container records

Smart locks for containers

Smart locks for containers

Smart planning and route optimisation

Smart planning and route optimisation

Spatial Tracking with AI

Spatial Tracking with AI

Custom development

Custom development

Look into the future

Realization all over the Czech Republic

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Víte že?

v ČR je přes 350 tisíc kontejnerů na sběrný odpad?
Neefektivní svoz odpadu vede k plýtvání cca 10% pohonných hmot.
Optimalizací svozu se dá ušetřit až 26000 tun CO2 ročně.
Průměrná spotřeba nafty na svoz 1 tuny komunálního odpadu je 16 litrů.
V ČR se ročně spotřebuje cca 100 milionů litrů nafty na svoz komunálního odpadu.