Records of containers

Records of containers (QR, RFID)
Our solution enables efficient record keeping and automatic detection of waste container dumping. With the use of QR codes and RFID chips, you get an overview and passporting of owned and issued bins. Stickers with QR codes are used to identify containers and easy registration via a web application. RFID chips allow contactless identification of containers, and the reading devices on the collection trucks automatically detect the dumps. Soware provides a simple container management, billing and tracking real-time vehicle location.
RFID evidence

Background data for invoicing Real-time monitoring of vehicle location, records and changes via web and mobile apps.

QR evidence

You will receive stickers with QR codes to passport your own or issued containers. This will give you a clear record of the containers owned/issued.

RFID evidence

Podkladová data pro fakturaci Monitoring polohy automobilu, evidence a změn v reálném čase prostřednictvím webové a mobilní aplikace.

QR evidence

Dostanete samolepky s QR kódy, kterými pasportujete vlastní či vydané nádoby. Tím získáte přehlednou evidenci vlastněných/vydaných nádob.