Meva Key Privacy Policy

The Meva Key application is used to open containers equipped with WasteSecure locks. The user logs into the application using his/her login and password. User management (registration, editing, deleting) is done outside the Meva Key application. This is done in the web interface of the Waste Digital Platform!

Once logged in, the user can open the locks he is entitled to (according to the user id) using NFC technology. The app also offers an overview of the user’s data. It is also possible to start the device flashlight from the Meva Key app. The last functionality is to log the user out of the application.

After logging in, the user can open the locks to which he has the right (according to the user id) using NFC technology. The application also offers an overview of the user’s data. It is also possible to start the device flashlight from the Meva Key app. The last functionality is to log the user out of the application.

Information collected by the application:
The application collects login information entered by the user. It also collects data regarding the outcome of the NFC interaction.

How the collected information is used:
User data is used to authenticate the user to the server. If the username and password entered match the DB record on the server, then the user is logged in, otherwise the login is not allowed. Furthermore, the data is displayed in the application in the “Settings” section (the user can view his user data here).
The NFC interaction data is used as feedback to the user. If an NFC communication has been successfully established, the user receives information about the successful exchange of information. In the opposite case, i.e., if the NFC connection cannot be established, the user is shown information that NFC communication with the device could not be established.

The data is not stored and is not used otherwise than as specified above.

Sharing information with third parties:
Login credentials are used for server-side authentication. The data is not provided to any third party.

User rights:
The user can, after successfully logging into the application, view their user data. He can also request to change, modify or delete them from the relevant employee of the organization that created the user’s account. A request to modify user data can also be made here:

Security measures:
User data is stored securely on cloud storage and encrypted communication occurs when the user is authenticated on the server.

Contact information:

Privacy Policy Updates:
Any updates will be communicated to users via email communication and they will also be notified on the mobile app.